If this is not the case, and all this sounds Chinese to you, we have already warned you that it is a peculiar game, although enjoyable in any way. If all this is familiar to you, and you know it by heart, you are in luck with JoJo’s Bizarre Adventures: Eyes of Heaven, since it takes advantage of the legacy of the series, and goes further, presenting its own original plot line (with the support of Hirohiko Araki, creator of the series), which continues from what has been seen, while offering gameplay different and fresh from previous titles based on this license.

It is characterized by its particular glam aesthetic, but also by presenting different arches with their own characters and well-differentiated themes. One of the longest and most relevant has been (and is) JoJo’s Bizarre Adventures, which has been around since 1987, although with pauses in its development. The world of manga goes far beyond Dragon Ball, Naruto, Attack on Titan, One Piece and the like, with works of all kinds and depth. JoJo’s Bizarre Adventure: Eyes of Heaven, meanwhile, puts its tale first and foremost. If you do follow the JoJo Universe, you’ll be happy to know that the author and cartoonist of the series, Horohiko Araki has overseen the creative direction in Eyes of Heaven. Speedwagon, they must travel though space, time and alternative dimensions to stop whatever it is bringing fallen friends and enemies back to life with the power of the Holy Corpse.

After meeting the excellently titled Robert E.O.

The story starts off with Jotaro Kujo (who is a cool mix between the Fonz and Judd Nelson in The Breakfast Club) defeating the vampiric villain Dio, when various characters that have died throughout the JoJo universe are coming back to life to attack Jotaro and his friends. JoJo’s Bizarre Adventure Eyes of Heaven Free Download Repacklab